.... or so my friend's MSN nick read. Nothing different from the Traffic Police's message to drivers, but it had a slight twist to it.
The next sentence read, "Beer is cheaper than Petrol". Haha, how apt, I thought.
The rising cost per barrel of fuel has baffled even economists. Theories of demand shocks and stuff have so far not proven to be right, and last week, oil went into further northbound territory. Almost US$143 per barrel of crude... amidst a looming bear market. I can only wonder what's the newest pump price now. According to the last price I knew it was $2.07/l for 95 grade. Inflation in a depressed market - I should go dig out my econs textbook on cause and effects. This will be the first recession I will go through as a working adult - I will have to see how this goes.
Well, there goes my dream of owning a car in the near future. Stupid oil speculators.