Thursday, March 29, 2007

People with a penchant for idiocy have no business in politics

This is an example of a imbecilic and bigoted response to common people's concerns. Laugh at the absurdity of the whole thing. I'm sure my grandma wouldn't have made a mistake like that if she were a politician.

This lawyer, presumably a rich and arrogant one, makes a VERY LAME case in trying to justify the increase in ministers' salaries on the Young PAP blog. (I'm not sure what Dr Vivian as YP Head is doing, is he even checking their language and the tone they set?) This Nicholas compares top-level civil servants to people in his profession (not a very good analogy to start with), whom we know to be serpents in disguise, two-faced people who are able to lie through their teeth and feel no prick in conscience AT ALL. They're probably the only sort of people whom, even after repenting before the altar, God might still not forgive.

I PURPOSELY put this down, because just as Nicholas Lazarus makes no attempt in being political correct sensitive (being an aspiring politician and sounding like a bumbling buffoon), I don't see why I, as an engineer and totally unschooled in the fine art of politics and politicking, should make comments any less hurting and piercing than his own. (But surely, that's how most people think of lawyers anyway, so go ahead make my day and sue me.) What did this guy learn during university anyway? Only how to lick his books?

I seriously hope for Singapore's sake people like him NEVER get to rise to the top, because this is when we all NEED to start migrating. With people like him on top, arbitrary increases in salaries and taxes are going to come hand-in-hand (with one feeding the other), and lousy excuses which are gloved in political incorrectness will be bandied about. Or maybe they won't even bother with giving reasons and excuses since they have a proclivity for idiocy. They'll just tell you get on with life, peasant folk. "If you're not capable enough to be sitting in my chair, I suggest you just pay your due taxes or I'll get Mr Policeman to arrest you and Mr Judge to keep you in jail for a long time."

I hope the likes of him will be thrown out of the party just so MM Lee's efforts in grooming talent don't go to waste. NUS, NTU and SMU might want to consider opening up "Politics and Diplomacy 101" courses for aspiring politicians just so they don't commit cardinal sins like stabbing their supporters/fellow citizens openly in forums and blogs. Young PAP should actually start screening their members and not allow any Tom's Harry Dicky hobo to enter and commit political kamikaze on its behalf. Or maybe MM Lee himself might wanna actually help school these people in the art of reasoning and common sense. Only then PAP can hope to stand strong once again.

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